Title: Accident Due to Failure of Monorail Hoist
Location: Offshore Platform
Loss/ Outcome: Major Injury
An incident took place where a team of eight persons were carrying out Engine replacement job. New PGC Engine, weighing approximately 1.63 Tons, was being lifted with the help of Monorail hoist to shift it to engine placing area. After lifting the engine to approximately two meters height, Monorail hoisting mechanism got stuck. While trying to release, its mechanism failed and engine came down on to the floor and left leg of Executive Engineer (Mechanical) was caught in between the engine and floor, resulting in the severe injury. He was shifted immediately to infirmary on stretcher. On board medical officer examined and gave first aid. Later he was sent to base for further treatment.
- Observed illumination in the area was poor for carrying out such major operations after sunset.
- Housekeeping of the area was very poor and a lot of accumulation of lube oil was observed on the floor in and around the PGC area.
- Operating mechanism failure of the Monorail Hoist, resulted in Engine coming down to floor.
1) Load testing of all the Lifting equipment is to be done as per their schedule and record of certificates/ details of the testing/ repairs done, to be maintained, for reference according to OISD-RP-126 clause 8 which states
- To ensure safe utilization of lifting tools & tackles, periodic inspection and testing as per applicable statutory rules and regulations applicable shall be carried out.
- Each lifting tool & tackle shall have unique identification and shall display the safe working load, testing date and next due date for testing.
- Records shall be maintained for verification
2) Illumination survey of the PGC area to be carried out and action to be taken accordingly, to improve the same for safe working according to OISD-RP-149, clause:9
3) Proper Housekeeping of the complete area to be carried out to make the area a safe working place.
4) Before taking up such major work, it should be ensured that people attending the job are in sound healthand stress free .